56% of Voters Question Joe Biden Fitness for Office Due to His Mental Health


56% of Voters Question Joe Biden Fitness for Office Due to His Mental Health, Only 41 percent of respondents said they approve of Biden in September, while 55 percent said they continue to disapprove of him almost two years into his time in office. Despite this slight improvement, Biden’s approval rating is still well below water. Five percent of those polled stated that they were unsure of how they really felt about the issue.

This number includes 67 percent of independents, 85 percent of Republicans, and only 18 percent of Democrats. The poll also showed that 56 percent of respondents said they “have doubts” about Biden’s mental “fitness” for serving as president, while only 44 percent said he was “mentally fit.”

In addition, when asked whether Biden is “too old to be president” or “showing he is fit to be president,” 63 percent responded “too old” while only 37 percent responded “showing he is fit to be president.” When asked a second time, respondents gave the same answer: 67% said Biden should “not run” for another term, while only 33% said he should “run.”

Furthermore, when the registered voter respondents were asked what they thought were the “most important issues facing the country today,” 39 percent said “price increases/inflation” is the most important issue. The “economy and jobs” came in at a close second with 26 percent, followed by immigration with 22 percent.

Some of the least important issues to registered voters were “political correctness/cancel culture” at five percent, “foreign policy” at four percent, “cybersecurity” at four percent, and “policing” at three percent.