11 Step guideline How to make a water level for a mobile home


How to make a water level for a mobile home?

The water levels provide an excellent method for locating a level place on objects such as posts or stakes, enabling one to construct even more accurate buildings. A water level is a handy item to have on hand for a wide variety of applications due to its direct manufacture and straightforward assembly. It only takes a few standard household supplies, such as tubing and water, to assemble a water level indicator. After that, you can manipulate the water level however you see fit to ensure that your construction or item is always even and level.

Introduction To Releveling Of Mobile Homes

Before I discuss how to level a mobile home, it is essential for you to understand that not only mobile homes but also the majority of structures that are built on soil filled with dirt, sand, or clay will sink over time. Mobile homes, in particular, are susceptible to this problem.

This sort of settling is perfectly average and, in almost all cases, does not reflect poorly on the work done by the mobile home contractor. The load-bearing capability of the ground beneath the home, the structure’s weight, and the supports’ footprint are the three primary factors determining how much a system will settle and how quickly it will become unlevel.

When it comes to mobile homes, the size of the pads and the number of piers support that is being employed are essential factors. If everything else stays the same, having more docks will make the ground more stable, and having larger pads will be advantageous.

Take Note of Beneficial Rules Of Mobile Homes

These problems have been addressed by the state of Florida in its standards for installing new homes, which can be found in Rule Chapter 15C-1. These standards mandate that soil tests and load-bearing charts be performed as part of the setup procedure for used homes in Florida.

Although these criteria are not strictly applicable to re-leveling properties, most contractors will try to adhere to them.

You will find an article about leveling a mobile home below; it will provide you with the stages, tools, and tips you need to complete the work successfully. Take your time, pay attention to your surroundings, and consult an expert if you need clarification on your ability to accomplish the task.

To establish a water level:

Insert a stake or a dowel into the ground in the middle of the foundation.

  1. Put the open end of the flexible tubing at a height higher than the required top of the foundation blocks, and attach one end of the tubing to the stake.
  2. To make it simpler to determine the amount of water remaining in a container, add a few drops of red food coloring to some tap water.
  3. The unattached end of the tube should be held at the same height as the attached end of the line, and the line should be filled with water until it is a couple of inches below the lot of the box. Verify that the tube does not contain air bubbles by pulling it apart.
  4. While maintaining a firm grip with your thumb over the end of the tube that is not attached, transfer the box to one of the foundation blocks.
  5. Hold the tube up against the stake or dowel, standing upright on the foundation. Make sure that the height of both ends of the tube is roughly the same.
  6. As you remove your thumb from the open end of the tube, pay attention to ensure that water does not escape from the closed end of the line. You will need to adjust the height of the box so that approximately the same amount of tubing will protrude above the water at both ends.
  7. Make a mark on the stake or dowel corresponding to the height of the water level in the tube.
  8. Put your thumb over the hole at the tube’s open end, and then go to the following building block in the foundation. If the foundation is level, the water level in the box will correspond to the mark placed on the stake or dowel at the appropriate height.
  9. If the mark is situated above the water level in the tube, the block needs to be moved downward until both the sport and the water level are in the same place. If the impact is lower than the water level in the tube, the foundation needs to be raised by the appropriate amount so that it is level.
  10. If water escapes from the tube at any time, you will need to refill the line and begin taking new measurements.
  11. A water reservoir can be added to the tube water level above by drilling a hole in the top of a one-gallon jug the same size as the tube. This will allow the jar to hold the same water as the tube. Drill a second, smaller hole in the cap so that the air pressure is more even.

Should I Hire A Contractor Or Relevel The Mobile Home?

Because this is not a task that needs to be completed consistently, investing time and effort into acquiring the skills necessary to achieve it would not be a good use of a handyman’s time or resources. The task of leveling a home is one that, for a variety of reasons, is best delegated to an experienced contractor. Second, some of the necessary tools are pretty pricey, and even if they were purchased, they would not get the required amount of use to justify the initial investment.

Considerations regarding the safety of novice personnel performing unusual tasks on structures weighing more than ten tonnes come last, but they are not the least important. There are some clear concerns regarding the safety involved.

A mobile home can typically be re-leveled by a local setup firm in a single day for a fair cost and with little disturbance to the family’s daily life.

How Much Does Leveling My Doublewide Cost?

In the region where I live, the beginning price for leveling a mobile home is approximately $950. This is for a double-wide and typically consists of materials and labor. Although single-wide homes are often cheaper, the costs for the crew, the truck, and the time make it impossible for the contractor to level home for some of the tasks and still make a profit from work.

Suppose the particular task requires the installation of additional frame piers or center supports. In that case, the total cost, which includes the cost of materials and labor, will begin to increase by up to thirty dollars for each pier that is placed.

How about a laser level?

It is difficult to use a laser level effectively when there is a significant distance involved, intense sunlight, and impediments in the way.

When my home’s supporting piers are set to the same level, this is one specific scenario in which this is the case.

In some cases, the distance between these piers can be rather substantial; for example, on a double-wide home that is 80 feet long, the diagonal length is over 90 feet. No unobstructed passage underneath the house would make it possible to use a laser level since the ductwork for the air conditioner and plumbing, as well as the I beams and other structures, would block the beam.

To What Extent Can One Trust a Water Level?

Even though it is a manually operated instrument, a water level can still provide relatively accurate readings even over this kind of distance; it is still possible to obtain tasks that are accurate to within 1/8 of an inch when using the human eye. Throughout thousands of years, this kind of level has demonstrated its reliability.

We are setting up water levels

A container of water and some length of plastic hose make up the essential components of the setup. The water container should have one end of the hose submerged in it. Next, the other end of the hose should be sucked on while maintaining the tube below the water level in the container. This will fill the stocking with water. Take note of the

It is essential to ensure that the water level in the container and at the other end of the hose are comparable; you may check this by holding one of these locations up to the other.

While the tube end is being moved about the work site to the various spots that need to be leveled, the water container is raised to the desired height and left in place. You need to be able to see how high the water level is in the container, so the far end of the hose needs to be made of transparent material.

If you need to work underneath a mobile home, attach a magnet to the end of the hose so that it will cling to the steel I-beam. This will enable you to work without needing to use either of your hands. This will make working and moving about more straightforward and prevent water from seeping from the tube. Always ensure the tube’s open end is positioned ABOVE the water level in the container.

Your level of accuracy depends on several factors

  • Frigid temperatures will cause the water in the line to freeze.
  • In the tubing, there are holes or fissures.
  • Sometimes bubbles will occur in the line if the temperature is too high for too long.
  • If you kink the tube, it prevents water from flowing freely.
  • It is imperative that extreme caution be exercised to avoid squeezing the tube beneath any heavy objects.

Homeowner’s Guide to Leveling a Mobile Home

This piece will explain how to level a mobile home, which is why it was written. Since you are here reading this, likely, you are already aware that there is a problem with your house. All homes will settle somewhat over time, and depending on the state and stability of the ground on your lot, you may have a slight or significant leveling issue. This is because all homes settle slightly to some degree.

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Foundations for Pier and Beam

These instructions apply to mobile homes as well as modular homes that are constructed on pier foundations. In such houses, concrete blocks are placed irregularly over an ABS base pad or concrete base pad using wooden shims and wedges. For these instructions, the mobile home is freestanding and is not joined to other buildings, such as sunrooms, porches, garages, or covered areas.

It is also expected that sufficient pieces of skirting around your mobile home have been removed to provide you with simple access and enough light to complete the task.

Determine the areas of concern for Mobile Home

In most cases, the house will sink into the earth. However, it is improbable that all parts of the house will fall at the same rate. Furthermore, when I say “sinking,” I’m referring to a slight movement in the place. You may notice that your mobile home has sunk.

A mobile house is a substantial construction that often weighs several tonnes and can be rather hefty.

It is strongly recommended that these tasks be delegated to experienced teams fully aware of the risks involved. Verify that you have the appropriate knowledge and tools to carry out these processes.

Which Jack Size Levels a Mobile Home?

I will not use any jack rated at less than 12 tonnes since it compromises safety and stability. In most cases, it is most convenient to use two hydraulic bottle jacks with a capacity of 20 tonnes each to distribute the load across the supporting beams effectively.

This is especially true with newer model houses, which tend to weigh much more than earlier mobile homes, which were typically manufactured in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.

There is, however, no reason why a homeowner couldn’t properly level their home provided they took their time, followed the directions, and did everything else that was required of them. For safety reasons, you should, however, make every effort to carry out the task in conjunction with a second individual who can pass you the necessary materials and keep an eye on the house.


Use the flashlight to examine the water pipes, heat ducts, and underbelly wrap for any signs of leaks or damage while you’re under the house. A homeowner can save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars by fixing these issues. Extreme earth movement often results from water leaks.

As you work to get the house level and again after that, double-check all tie-downs to ensure they are tight. Share your results with the homeowner so they can make educated choices about the maintenance and replacement of their home. More information about mobile homes is coming soon, so stay tuned!

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What’s a water-leveling device?

When two or more points on the surface of a body of liquid are used as siphons, a horizontal line or plane can be determined at a given location.

How do you create a primary water level indicator?

Gather all your components, such as LEDs, a buzzer, and sensing cables. Then you may connect the battery and complete the circuit. Look for the indicator lights to light up as the water level increases and the alarm to sound if it goes too high.

Can mobile homes be raised?

If you want to add a second story to your mobile home, one of the most common methods is to construct a separate, self-supporting extension and connect it to the original structure. That’s a fantastic choice because not all mobile homes are made to hold a second story or level.

Which two approaches level?

These are the primary forms of leveling applied in surveying: Barometric Equalization. Equalization via Trigonometry.