What Really Happened in Lisa Steinberg’s Death?


The horrific account of abuse and torture that you are about to read will shake you to your very core. Lisa Steinberg was a child who passed away as a result of the abuse and neglect that she suffered at the hands of her adoptive father, Joel Barnet Steinberg, for a number of years.

As a result of Lisa’s passing, the municipal officials of New York City were compelled to alter the way in which they dealt with adoptions and cases of child abuse. However, who exactly are Lisa Steinberg, Hedda Nussbaum, and Joel Steinberg? 

The Murder Of Lisa Steinberg – What Is The Actual Truth Behind The Case?

Relationship of Joel Steinberg and Hedda Nussbaum 

Joel Steinberg spent his childhood in both the Bronx and Yonkers, both of which are located in the state of New York. He was a criminal defense attorney and he had been practicing law for 46 years. After some time, he began a romantic relationship with Hedda Nussbaum, who works as a writer and editor.

In the year 1977, both Nussbaum and Steinberg lived together in a brownstone apartment in New York City’s Greenwich Village. Hedda’s feelings for Joel were intensely passionate. In her book published in 1977 titled Plants Do Amazing Things, she dedicated it “to Joel, my everyday inspiration.”

When Hedda first moved in with Joel, the two of them decided against getting married. Shortly after the couple moved in together, Joel quickly began assaulting his common-law wife. Hedda’s employment at Random House was terminated in 1981 as a result of her numerous absences from work due to the abuse she suffered from Joel.

A Six Years Old – Lisa Steinberg

Elizabeth Lisa SteinbergLaunders was born in the New York City borough of Manhattan. She had been abandoned at the orphanage by her mother, who was a single college student who had never married. After some time had passed, Hedda Nussbaum and Joel Steinberg, a Jewish couple, became the child’s adoptive parents soon after she was born.

They named her Lisa Steinberg. In 1981, Nussbaum and Joel Steinberg were able to gain custody of a child named Lisa Steinbergafter a series of questionable legal maneuvers. On the other hand, the couple was Jewish, and the girl’s biological mother had already paid an attorney fee to Steinberg in the amount of $500.

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There is still a mystery about the circumstances surrounding Hedda Nussbaum and Joel Steinberg’s decision to formally adopt Lisa. Michele Launders, Lisa’s birth mother, took the money from them in order to place Lisa Steinberg with a Roman Catholic family. This was done solely for religious reasons.

After some time had passed, the couple became adoptive parents to a second child, a toddler named Mitchell who was 16 months old. Additionally, Nussbaum and Steinberg carried out an unlicensed adoption on his behalf.

Lisa Steinberg was forced to spend the next six years of her life in Joel and Hedda’s filthy and increasingly gory Greenwich Village apartment. During this time, Joel and Hedda indulged in their sadomasochistic fantasies without any regard for the child’s well-being. Lisa Steinberg was forced to spend the next six years of her life in this apartment.

The Lisa Steinberg Case

Lisa Steinberg was a bubbly and active child when she was six years old. On the evening of November 1st, Joel Steinberg was planning on going out with his buddies to eat at a restaurant and then party. Lisa Steinberg was adamant that Joel accompany her on their trip.

Due to Lisa’s temper tantrums, Joel was forced to punch her in the head, which caused her to pass out and prevent her from joining Joel and his buddies on their trip. Nussbaum was left alone with her dying daughter, Lisa, for approximately ten hours, during which time she did not contact the authorities or seek medical assistance.

Joel Steinberg went away and came back a number of times, and on each occasion, he used crack cocaine for freebasing. On November 2, 1987, Hedda and Joel crossed every line in the book when they reported the attack that had been committed on Lisa Steinbergto the authorities twelve hours later.

The terrible couple reported to the authorities that their daughter had choked on some food, and they asked the authorities to investigate the incident. Lisa Steinbergwas transported to St. Vincent’s Children’s Hospital by medical personnel while bewildered and covered with bruises all over her 43-pound frame. The bruises had no apparent cause.

Hedda Nussbaum provided an explanation for Lisa’s cuts and bruises by stating that she had lately experienced a number of falls while roller skating. Lisa Steinbergwas completely unconscious when the first ambulance crew arrived at the residence to render aid.

However, Mitchell, an infant who was 16 months old at the time, was discovered to be healthy and alive in his unsupervised cot, where he was lying in his own urine and excrement. According to the records kept by the police, Nussbaum believed that Steinberg has supernatural healing talents, which is why she did not denounce him to the authorities.

The next morning at six in the morning, Lisa Steinberg stopped breathing for good. Shortly later, following Nussbaum’s recommendation, Steinberg called 9-1-1. The case resulted in a prominent criminal prosecution that was carried out across the globe. Lisa Steinbergwas forgot about it all night long while she lay asleep on the floor of the bathroom.

And at that point, Joel Steinberg left to go out partying with his friends. Her death was determined to be the result of a head injury, which was most likely caused by a hammer with a rubber head. Hedda mentioned that she was looking forward to Steinberg’s arrival in her statement.

Hedda Nussbaum was under the impression that even after Lisa’s brain had been removed, Joel Steinberg would be able to bring her back to life. Following Joel’s return, Hedda began using cocaine in order to “relate better” to him.

Hedda’s body was covered in bruises when the interview was finished, which indicated that she had been subjected to torture. When Hedda was evaluated by doctors, they found that she had a number of broken ribs, a shattered jaw, a cracked nose, and abscessed legs, all of which were injuries that had developed over the course of time.

Final Conviction

Hedda, who testified against her lover, Joel, in the murder of Lisa, became a popular figure after her testimony, and advocates for abused women flocked to her defense. Joel was found guilty of first-degree manslaughter in the case. Lisa Steinberg was found dead.

The Murder Of Lisa Steinberg – What Is The Actual Truth Behind The Case?

Hedda was not held accountable for Lisa’s abuse since she was unable to protect her and was not otherwise involved in the incident other than by her failure to report it. After Lisa’s passing, Mitchell was found living in squalid conditions in the neighborhood.

Nicole Smiegel, the child’s birth mother, had relinquished all of her rights as a parent prior to the toddler’s birth. In spite of the fact that Smiegel’s son had not been formally adopted by her, she was ultimately awarded custody of him.

According to the testimony that Nussbaum provided in court, Lisa Steinberghad has additionally been sexually molested by others who were not close relatives of hers.

Throughout the entirety of the trial, medical professionals testified that despite the severity of Lisa’s injuries, she would have had an extremely high probability of surviving had she been given prompt medical attention.

Hedda Nussbaum’s Recovery

Nussbaum maintained her position of innocence despite the fact that she admitted to engaging in drug experimentation and looking up to Steinberg to the harm of both herself and her children.

Hedda used to be completely taken in by her lover Joel’s tales, and she even found herself believing them. Nussbaum had consulted with a licensed mental health expert.

Nussbaum underwent a number of reconstructive cosmetic treatments in the years that followed Lisa’s passing in an effort to re-create the life she had before Lisa’s passing.

After having co-facilitated a support network for battered women for almost eight years, she eventually found work as a counselor for an organization that assists battered women. In 1995, Nussbaum initiated her lecture series on abuse, which she presented at colleges and shelters.

Nevertheless, following her release from jail, Steinberg largely disappeared from public view until the publication of her book around a year and a half later. On the topic of Nussbaum, feminist activists and scholars held a variety of opinions.

Some people thought of Nussbaum as the archetypal victim of domestic violence; she was seen as someone whose decisions were heavily affected and constrained not just by the fact that her partner was violent, but also by a mentality that minimizes the seriousness of domestic abuse.