King Charles and Queen Camilla have extended warm birthday wishes to their daughter-in-law Kate Middleton, who celebrated her 42nd birthday on Tuesday. The royal couple stuck to their tradition of honoring family milestones on social media, sharing a gorgeous photo of Middleton decked out in a formal gown and tiara. This picture, taken during the coronation celebrations in 2023 after Charles and Camilla were crowned, radiated joy.
The royal posts on social media were accompanied by captions expressing birthday wishes, adding a touch of social media with the help of emoticons. Notably, the gesture echoed the couple’s previous acknowledgment of Prince William’s birthday in June 2023, where another behind-the-scenes photo of the coronation was shared.
In addition to the palace, Westminster Abbey also joined in the celebration, releasing a video of church bells ringing across London to mark Middleton’s birthday. The post detailed the specifics of the ringing and included a photo paying tribute to Middleton’s annual carol service at the abbey.
In a notable departure from the royal family’s quiet start to 2024, the official Instagram account shared a striking portrait of Middleton for her special day. A photo taken during King Charles’ coronation ceremony the previous year showed Middleton in a white Alexander McQueen dress with a red, blue, and white robe to complement the British flag. The caption expressed a heartfelt birthday wish accompanied by balloon and confetti emoticons.
This touching tradition of public birthday tributes continued as the royal couple reminisced about the previous year’s celebration on their Instagram Story. A photo from Middleton’s first trip to Wales as Princess of Wales was shared, showing her receiving a bouquet from a little girl in traditional Welsh dress. The heartfelt message expressed warm birthday wishes and created a thoughtful and lasting celebration for the Princess of Wales.