How to Make a Sitemap: A Step-by-Step Guide for Better SEO


How to make a sitemap?

One of the many SEO-friendly practices that may be used on a WordPress site is the generation of a sitemap. WordPress sitemaps help humans and bot alike better understand your site’s hierarchy.

Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals of WordPress, learning about sitemaps will aid in expanding your website. Improve your site’s usability and make it crawl for search engines easier using a WordPress sitemap.

The advantages of creating sitemaps for WordPress sites are discussed in greater depth here. We’ll also go down the distinctions between an XML sitemap and an HTML sitemap and how both might improve search engine rankings.

In addition, you’ll find out how to create sitemaps in WordPress and submit them to search engines like Google and Bing.

Let’s jump right in; there’s no need to wait.

How to make a sitemap

What is a sitemap?

To begin, a sitemap is a file that lists all of the pages, videos, photos, and other assets that make up your website. Among the many reasons why this is crucial are:

Providing a road plan that helps search engines like Google find and comprehend your material.

Facilitating crawling and indexing of the most important pages on your site by search engine bots.

Assisting search in detecting when updated or new pages are accessible.

Facilitating the indexing of your page’s translations by search engines.

However, before I go any further, it is important that you know that there are two distinct sitemap formats: HTML and XML. The key distinction is as follows:

Structured data maps in HTML: This is more like a visible sitemap of your site’s content that visitors may use to find their way around. Your website’s backups are also known as its “website archive.” HTML sitemaps are seen as obsolete by some marketers.

XML sitemaps are supplied by hand and are used solely for search engine indexing and crawling. It’s the cutting-edge approach to managing data storage for an entire website.

According to John Mueller, your internal linking should take care of things, even though HTML sitemaps could help consumers find pages on your site. From a search engine optimization standpoint, XML sitemaps should be prioritized.

Types of Sitemap.

There are further subdivisions within the two varieties mentioned above of sitemaps. I’m going to elaborate on these for a minute.

  1. Sitemap page.

Pages and posts are better indexed when a sitemap is used. A page sitemap can also include the images and videos on each page, which is helpful for image and video-heavy sites like photography and videography blogs.

  1. Video Sitemap.

Similar to a page sitemap but with a greater emphasis on video content, an XML video sitemap should be used only if your company relies heavily on video content. If they aren’t, adding the video link to your page sitemap can help you better use your crawl budget (the total number of crawlable pages and resources on your site).

  1. Sitemap of News.

You need a news sitemap if you run a news site and want your stories to appear in Google News and other top stories lists. Important rule: only articles published during the last two days should be included in the archive.

Make sure to add news articles to Google News sitemaps, as they are not favored in standard search engine results. Google suggests using structured data to define your article’s thumbnail because they don’t support image links.

  1. Sitemap of images.

Similar to video sitemaps, image sitemaps are only required if visual content is vital to your business. If they aren’t, you can still include images in your page sitemap and have them indexed if you mark them up using the image object schema.

  1. Sitemap Index.

Sitemaps have some restrictions that should be taken into account.

  • If you have a lot of URLs, some of them won’t get indexed.
  • The maximum number of URLs that should be included in any sitemap is 50,000.
  • The recommended limit for URLs in a news sitemap is 1000.
  • The uncompressed size of a sitemap must be at most 50 MB.

Due to these constraints, you may require more than one sitemap. When utilizing multiple sitemap files, an index file is required to list each sitemap file. You must upload an index file to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. 

How to make a sitemap

A step-by-step guide on making a visual sitemap.

Creating a sitemap is the best way to organize and map your website’s information architecture. They are used by designers, copywriters, and marketers to plan out sections of a website before ever creating any visuals. The team as a whole can then use them as a reliable resource.

A sitemap is typically thought of as a static document, but it can serve many more purposes. When you construct a sitemap in Milanote, you can specify not only the hierarchy of pages but also the content that will appear on those pages, allowing you to strike the ideal balance between the two.

Discover the state-of-the-art method for producing a detailed, visual sitemap to direct a website design project right now!

  1. Come up with some potential website sections.

What exactly should you have on your website? Get the group or client together and start brainstorming content ideas. Get imaginative and throw in as many suggestions as you can. Think about the user experience from their perspective. Do you have any findings from recent customer surveys or research?

You may have no idea how many pages you’ll need right now. No problem here! Keep an open mind, we’ll be adding structure and polish in the next few steps.

  1. Create a system of classifications.

After your content ideas have been added, you may begin categorizing them. Creating visually distinct groups for related information is the most efficient method. It’s as easy as dragging and dropping items into groups. Themes will emerge as they are meant to. You can use color to tie together related pieces of text as well.

  1. Structure and hierarchy.

In this example, we’ll utilize a tree structure, one of several standard approaches to organizing website content. Put your homepage at the very top of your board to begin. Under “home,” you can categorize all of your material. Then, clean up the mess by relocating your content categories to the “home” tab.

Last but not least, connect related sections using arrows. This is a fantastic method of graphically expressing the significance of various sections of your website. You can now see the big picture of your website’s structure.

  1. Prepare your content.

This is where most sitemaps stop short and just be a diagram. However, we will soon begin expanding our sitemap by including more detailed information within each section. Start out by opening a board for one of your sections so you can organize your ideas.

  1. Add scribbles.

Start by listing potential things to say here in writing form. It does not need to be perfect, but it should convey the gist of your message. Consider the messages you want to convey, the page titles you’ll use, and the SEO keywords you’ll require. Forget how it will be organized for now; just get it out of your thoughts.

  1. Add pictures of examples.

Next, visualize the kinds of pictures that would work well here. These aren’t necessarily the final illustrations, but they’ll do a great job of setting scene. Images from the web or Milanote’s picture library can be used to generate ideas rapidly.

  1. Draw the general page layout.

Grab a pen and paper if you already know how the page should be laid out in your brain. It’s a terrific way to prioritize your messages, even if it’s just a few boxes and arrows. Developers might also benefit from having access to a simple sketch to utilize as a reference while creating the website.

  1. Talk about it with your team.

Your Sitemap is complete; notify the content and development teams so they can start contributing ideas and feedback. When designers and writers aren’t brought together early on in the process, they can end up with ideas that don’t mesh. Working together from the start of a project ensures that everyone is on same page from the get-go.

How to make a sitemap

How to Use a Site Map Generator?

A site with hundreds of pages, URLs, and pathways may be too complex for the procedures described above. Relax about it. In this instance, the first thing you should do is use a site map generator to create the framework for your website. Several programs exist that can automatically process a directory of your pages for you.

But do we need this many words? One approach to finding out is to do a thorough review of your site map and prune it off unnecessary links. Is there any evidence of unpublished content on your site, such as a previous “About Me” page before the current one was made public? Locate them and take them down before regenerating your site.

If you want people to able to use your site map to learn about and navigate your site, prioritize high-traffic sections.

How do I make a Sitemap in Google?

Here are simple steps you need to take to create a Google Sitemap:

To begin making a sitemap, go to Google Search Console and choose the site you wish to work on.

Select “Sitemaps” from the list of options on the left.

To add or test a sitemap, use the link labeled “Add/Test Sitemap” on the “Sitemaps” page’s upper right.

Simply type “sitemap.xml” into the box and hit the “Submit” button.

Use a third-party tool, like the Google XML Sitemap generator, to make a more comprehensive sitemap if your website features dynamic material.

Sitemaps should be routinely updated to give Google the most up-to-date information about a website’s structure and content.

If you want Google to index your site and your content to be visible in search results, you need a sitemap. 


Simply put, a sitemap is a document that details every page on your site. It gives users clear picture of how your site is structured and aids search engines in doing their jobs. A sitemap can be created as follows:

Make use of a sitemap maker: You may easily create a sitemap with the help of a number of free internet tools, such as the XML Sitemap Generator and the Yoast SEO plugin.

Get your pages in order: It’s recommended to establish a sensible structure for your website’s pages before making a sitemap. This facilitates the development of a superior sitemap and the facilitation of user navigation throughout your site.

Make the sitemap document: You can make an XML sitemap once you have a list of URLs. After using a sitemap generator, create a new file on your computer and organize its contents as instructed. Weirdnewsera that you might not find any other platform which gives you all content about health sports business technology and entertainment.


How can I make a free sitemap?

For smaller websites, is likely the finest free sitemap generator available. Creating a sitemap requires nothing more than entering your URL. Additional settings under the “More options” tab may include: To save time for the crawlers, please include the date the page was last updated.

What does the term “sitemap URL” mean?

You can describe your website’s pages, videos, and other assets, as well as the connections between them, in a file called a sitemap. Google and other search engine use this file to better crawl your site.

What is an HTML sitemap?

Users of your site will benefit from having access to an HTML sitemap. Typically, this sort of sitemap will list all of the pages on your site and provide brief descriptions of each. Sitemaps in HTML are strongly recommended. They facilitate site navigation and improve user experience.

What is an SEO site map?

A sitemap is a map of your website used by search engines to discover, crawl, and index all of its pages. Sitemaps also inform search engines about the most crucial pages on your site.