Fixing a Broken Guitar String: String Breakage Survival Guide


How to fix a broken guitar string?

What do we do when one string breaks suddenly?  Should we buy new strings and replace them all? Just replace the broken string? Can strings be fixed?

People ask these questions and get varied opinions online. This post will answer those questions and show you two ways to remedy this problem without calling or carrying your guitar elsewhere.

I’ll also give you some string-breaking prevention methods you can start using today.

Start now!

Remove the headstock string first.

Turning the tuning pegs clockwise (or loosening the string) does this. Use your hand or a string winder to save time. Keep going until the string comes off the string post, then remove it from the little hole in the string post.

Remove the bridge string.

Bridge pins secure this string end. Pushing and holding a pin maintains one string in place, and drawing it out removes it.

Pull the bridge pin holding the broken string with your fingertips. However, most pins are strongly locked in place and require pliers to remove. Don’t force the pins out or they’ll break.

After removing the pin, pull this end of the string from the pinhole. To secure the new string, don’t lose the bridge pin!

Avoid cutting someone with your old thread by tying it up before throwing it away!

How Do You Put a New String on an Acoustic Guitar?

Insert your new guitar string’s little round nut into the bridge pinhole. Press the bridge pin into position with your finger.

Now slip the string’s other end over the nut’s slot and into the string post. Hold the string on the nut with your thumb and pull it from the string post.

With your thumb on the nut, slowly spin the tuning peg counterclockwise to wound the string around the string post. Turn the tuning peg until the string is secure. Tune the string. The string may need multiple tunings to stay tuned. While tuning, the string may “slip” from the post. That’s fine—just re-tune the string until it stops slipping.

Cut the string post’s excess string with a wire cutter and you’re done!

How Do You Fix a broken string on an electric guitar?

The technique for removing and changing electric guitar strings is similar to that of an acoustic, although each guitar is different.

How to Take Off an Electric Guitar String?

As with acoustic guitars, the broken string is removed from the headstock.

Depending on your guitar’s make and model, removing the string from the bridge is a different process.

Using a tiny Phillips head screwdriver, open the back panel of your Fender guitar.

Push the string from the guitar’s front after opening the rear panel. Pushing the string may not release it from the back. Push the string out using a little needle or pin in the guitar’s string slot from the front.

You can remove the string from a Gibson guitar’s front slot without opening the back panel.

How Do You Change a String on an Electric Guitar?

If you have a Fender electric guitar, place the string without the circular nut into the back panel slot. This slot should be where you removed the damaged string.

Pull the string until the circular nut jams it. Like an acoustic guitar, wind the string through the headstock string post.

For most Gibson electric guitars, run the string through the bridge’s string slot until it’s jammed and feed it through the string post.

How to keep your strings from breaking too soon?

You mended your guitar and can play again.

How do you prevent further string breaks? How should they be maintained?

Start using these tips to make your strings last longer:

Check guitar strings often.

Regularly evaluating your strings’ condition allows you to take the required safeguards, extending their lifespan.

Thus, if you don’t want to clean your guitar after every play, inspect it once a week or whenever you think it’s necessary.

This lets you spot tiny issues before they become huge ones. You might assume a little perspiration on your fingers won’t hurt. This isn’t improper, but your skin’s natural oils will combine with the dust and debris in your environment and produce grime.

This method will alter your guitar tone and intonation.

Clean strings frequently.

Cleaning your guitar strings regularly may be twice as useful as checking them regularly.

  • This ensures two things:
    1. The first is to keep room dust from mixing with your natural finger oils.
    2. The second benefit is longer-lasting guitar string smoothness.

Have you played an old guitar? Were the strings unusual or hard?

As we mentioned, your skin’s natural oils mingle with dust and debris in your environment to produce grime.

This filth would block your fingertips!

Slides, string vending, and chord changes feel like someone is holding you back.

Cleaning your strings frequently increases the odds of avoiding this and prolonging their lifespan.

  • Consider your guitar pick and playing force.

This is another reason your guitar strings may be breaking without your knowledge.

Should you replace all of the strings or just the one that has broken?

People frequently ask this first.

I need to know where the string broke, how old your guitar strings are, and if you have new strings to address this question.

It depends on how often you used these strings before one broke and how long you plan to use them after fixing them.

Because the string will break again. 

If you recently bought the strings that broke, you might not mind paying the extra money on a new set.

I know it’s upsetting!

Your guitar will sound better with fresh strings, and changing all the strings will give you peace of mind that you won’t have this problem again. However, you don’t need to replace all your strings if they’re in good shape.


Using things from around the house, guitar strings are easy to fix.

If one string breaks, replace them all. This keeps the sound of your guitar steady. If you have five old strings and one new one, the new one will sound “brighter” and make the tone of the instrument uneven.

If you don’t know the lengths of your strings, this also keeps them from not being the same size. Mixed-gauge strings can also make your guitar sound weird and make your fingers feel different.

You should now be able to change the whole set of strings by changing them one by one. This should help you fix guitar strings that are broken. Weirdnewsera that you might not find any other platform which gives you all content about health sports business technology and entertainment.


Can a broken string on a guitar be fixed?

Broken Guitar Strings: Repairable? If a guitar string breaks, wind a new string around the tuning peg and tie it off. Re-stringing is this. Bridge-broken lines are harder to fix.

How can you fix a guitar string without changing it?

How Do You Repair A Guitar String Without Buying One? Twist the broken thread through the ball’s end after unwinding it. Remove some string from the ball end and thread it through. Secure the line by twisting it.

Can you play a guitar with broken strings?

Post activity. Broken strings will not damage your guitar. Even long-term tension differential won’t matter. Solid-body guitars can handle an extensive range of tension without changing.

Is it expensive to fix guitar strings?

The cost to fix a guitar string depends on the guitar, line, and severity of the break. Guitar string repairs usually cost $5–$30. Choose wisely and guitar strings can cost $20 instead of $30.