Top 7 points about How to handle error responses in retrofit android


How to handle error responses in retrofit android

It is necessary to deliver a seamless user experience, even when things go wrong, which is why error handling is such an essential part of the process of developing mobile apps. Retrofit is a well-known HTTP client library for Android designed to make network requests and answers more straightforward. In this blog article, we will investigate how to handle error responses properly in Retrofit for Android. This will allow us to give users with error messages that have meaningful context while also preserving the app’s overall stability.

1. Installing Retrofit: 

Installing Retrofit in your Android project is required before you can handle error responses. In order to accomplish this, edit your build.gradle file to include the required dependencies, and then construct a Retrofit instance. The fundamental configuration is as follows:

val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()




val apiService = retrofit.create(

2. Defining API Endpoints:

Define the endpoints of your API by utilizing Retrofit’s annotations. Include both successful and unsuccessful response models within the API interface of your application.

interface ApiService {


    suspend fun getExample(): Response<ExampleResponse>


3. Creating Error Models:

Construct data classes that will stand in for error replies provided by your API. These classes ought to reflect, in their organizational scheme, the error JSON objects that are sent back by the server. Take, for instance:

data class ErrorResponse(

    val errorCode: Int,

    val message: String)

4. Customizing Error Handling:

Retrofit offers a variety of tunable options for error handling, including the following:

  1. Status Codes for the HTTP:

You can differentiate between failures by checking the HTTP status codes. When you need to obtain the status code, use the Response object.

val response = apiService.getExample()

if (response.isSuccessful) {

    // Handle success

} else {

    val errorBody = response.errorBody()

    if (errorBody != null) {

        val error = Gson().fromJson(errorBody.charStream(),

        // Handle error based on status code and error response

    } else {

        // Handle network or unknown errors


  1. Network Errors:

An onFailure callback is also provided by Retrofit, which may be used to handle issues that are related to the network:

apiService.getExample().enqueue(object : Callback<ExampleResponse> {

    override fun onResponse(call: Call<ExampleResponse>, response: Response<ExampleResponse>) {

        if (response.isSuccessful) {

            // Handle success

        } else {

            // Handle error



 override fun onFailure(call: Call<ExampleResponse>, t: Throwable) {

       // Handle network error



5. Users will be presented with error messages.

Users should be presented with meaningful error messages depending on the error response that was obtained from the server in order to improve the overall user experience. You can accomplish this goal with the help of the AlertDialog, Toast, or any other UI component.

// Inside the error handling block

val errorMessage = error.message


6. Errors are being logged for debugging purposes.

It is necessary to log mistakes in order to facilitate the debugging process. For logging error messages and other details, you can make use of libraries like as Timber or the built-in Log class that comes with Android.

// Inside the error handling block

Log.e(TAG, “Error: $errorMessage”)

7. Retry method: 

Ensure to provide a retry method for network errors to guarantee that the application can gracefully tolerate sporadic problems. For retry logic, you can use frameworks such as OkHttp or the coroutines provided by Kotlin.


Creating dependable and user-friendly applications is essential to adequately handle error responses in Retrofit for Android. Even if something goes wrong with your app, you can still provide users with understandable error messages by properly configuring Retrofit, defining error models, and customizing how errors are handled. This will allow you to retain the overall quality of your app. Remember to report debugging problems and build a retry mechanism to manage network issues efficiently.

If you build your Android app with these recommended practices, you can successfully handle error responses in Retrofit.

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How is HTML response handled in Retrofit Android?

Only the Response body object delivered by the Retrofit will be used for this purpose. When a response is received in the callback, the response’s content will be extracted and converted to a string using the string() method. Now we will create a document by passing this string to the Jsoup.parse() method.

How do you manage API success error on Android?

Fragment/activity will monitor the loading object in mutable live data. When the api response is ready, it will be posted in mutable live data again so that UI can get this response (success/error) update and can show data in UI.

How does Retrofit manage XML response?

Simply assign the appropriate Converter Factory to your retrofit Object. By translating the API into Java or Kotlin, web services are simple to connect to. The simple addition of headers and request types. You can easily customize it and add convertors like Gson, XML, etc.

Why should an interceptor be used in Retrofit?

Interceptors are a powerful feature of Retrofit, a prominent Android HTTP client library that enables you to modify outgoing requests and incoming responses before their transmission to the server.