Top 14 tips of How can we become a good teacher


How can we become a good teacher?

Most adults can recall their beloved teacher regardless of how long it has been since they were in school. Great instructors have a way of staying in the minds of their former students for decades. Most of us can recall a beloved early childhood or elementary school teacher, whether it was Miss Katie, the preschool teacher, and her puppet shows on expressing emotions, or Mr. Jacobs, the kindergarten teacher, and how well he explained marine ecosystems through fishing stories.

When you reflect on your education, you likely recall a teacher who was an exceptional source of encouragement and motivation. Perhaps a college professor inspired you to switch careers, or perhaps a kindergarten teacher’s straightforward acts of kindness positively impacted your childhood. Nevertheless, regardless of the grade you were in or the subject you were studying, it’s likely that your favored teacher possessed a number of the skills and characteristics described in this list, which details the qualities of a good teacher.

Continue reading to examine the top character traits and teaching skills educators require in 2032 and beyond. In addition, we have included a summary of the credentials, degrees, and qualifications needed to become a teacher in California and other states. Whether it’s a skill you need to brush up on, a credential you need to achieve, or even a character trait you’d like to develop, this guide provides dozens of suggestions for ways you can begin to improve as an educator while simultaneously enhancing your resume.

What Characteristics Make a Good Teacher?

Whether they are instructing advanced calculus or counting to ten, effective instructors share specific universal characteristics. For example, all great educators can listen actively — not only to their pupils but also to their colleagues, school administrators, and students’ family members.

In addition to active listening and its significance, there are several other characteristics that instructors should strive to exhibit. Although some are less tangible than others and may be more challenging to cultivate, all are equally valuable for teachers to develop and practice actively. Following is a breakdown of more than a dozen of the most essential characteristics for educators, including:

  • Active listening
  • Adaptability
  • Collaboration
  • Creativity
  • Empathy
  • Engagement
  • Focus on growth
  • Lifelong learning
  • Patience
  • Preparedness
  • Respect

The Top 14 Qualities of a Good Teacher

A specific personality type is not required to be an inspiring and practical educator. Nonetheless, if you want to be a more engaging and successful educator, there are a few qualities you should work on developing or enhancing.

1. Adaptability

Adaptability is essential for instructors, who must continually evaluate what works and, more importantly, what doesn’t work with their students. Being adaptable and flexible enables you to move fluidly between various theories of learning and modes of instruction — which we will discuss in a moment — without becoming paralyzed by stress or indecision.

2. Empathic

Simply put, empathy is the capacity to comprehend what another person is feeling or experiencing or to put oneself in their shoes. As a teacher, it is crucial to practice empathy instead of making assumptions, such as attempting to comprehend and address the underlying problem causing students to fall behind their peers, perform less well than they once did, or act out in class.

3. Be patient

As discussed in our post on learning theories, your students may view you as a role model and imitate your actions if you exhibit patience. Possessing a reservoir of patience will aid you in navigating each student’s unique struggles and obstacles, which may be difficult or time-consuming to surmount.

4. Engagement

Engagement Students are perceptive from a young age and can easily detect when instructors are bored with or indifferent to their subject matter. Suppose you want to generate engagement and enthusiasm in your class. In that case, it’s imperative to exemplify those traits yourself, demonstrating to your students an infectious passion for learning and all the exciting discoveries and hobbies that it can unlock for them!

5. Listening Actively

Active listening is essential for effectively diagnosing and assisting students in overcoming their unique obstacles and challenges. Seek feedback, promote honesty, make it easy for students to contact you, and listen attentively, always attempting to read between the lines and assessing body language when communicating. Discover how and why you should enhance your active listening abilities.

6. Learning for life

The most excellent instructors are passionate about lifelong learning, reflected in their enthusiasm and engagement as teachers. Continuing education and professional development provide invaluable knowledge, keeping professionals “sharp” and reminding instructors of their students’ challenges in the real world, thereby paving the way for greater empathy. Learn more about the significance of lifelong learning and how various learning theories can assist you in teaching or comprehending new information.

7. Free of Bias

As an educator, you will be responsible for instructing many students. To combat inequality and discrimination and ensure fairness, you must assess the needs of your pupils in a nondiscriminatory manner, which requires you to examine your judgments and assumptions about others continually.

8. Dignified Attitude

Even in classrooms with adult students, there is an inherent imbalance of authority between students and instructors. Educators must be aware of this disparity and ensure that students feel respected and heard for who they are and what they contribute to the classroom.

9. Inspiration

Creativity and adaptability go hand-in-hand, another important trait covered on this list. Whether you teach first graders or doctoral students, you’ll need the ability to innovate, think outside the box, and find novel solutions to challenges, empowering you to meet a broader spectrum of students’ needs. Being creative as an educator will also allow you to cultivate creativity in your students, a skill they will need for various careers.

10. Working together

From parent-teacher conferences and department meetings to teaching dozens or hundreds of students daily, education is a highly collaborative discipline involving constant interaction among students, teachers, administrators, and families. If you want to become an educator or advance to a position of educational leadership, you’ll need strong collaborative skills to work well with others consistently.

11. Making Plans

In conjunction with being flexible and adaptable, it is essential to be prepared for various classroom scenarios and challenges. You can increase your overall level of preparedness as an educator by learning about the strengths and challenges of your students and ensuring that you consider how your lesson plans may affect each student.

12. Encourage a growth mentality

Carol Dweck introduced the concept of “growth mindsets” versus “fixed mindsets” in her book Mindset: The Psychology of Success, published in 2006. According to Dweck, individuals with a fixed mindset view traits such as intelligence as predetermined early, making obstacles or challenges appear impossible or daunting. Unlike those with a fixed mindset, individuals with a growth mindset believe intellect and creativity can be developed through effort.

13. Accommodate Students’ Current Situations

Your students will come from diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and learning levels, and you must be prepared to meet them wherever they are in their education. This necessitates accommodating students who learn at varying rates and employ various techniques and methods within the same classroom or group. Educators must also demonstrate adaptability, empathy, and patience in this area.

14. Cross-Disciplinary Education

Shows students how businesses operate and problem-solving works in the real world by integrating multiple subjects and disciplines and grounding their learning in practical real-world scenarios.

If you don’t already possess all of these characteristics, please be aware that there may be some areas in which you could benefit from additional practice. Whether your objective is to improve deficient skills, hone strong ones, or acquire new abilities, a degree or credential program offers the ideal opportunity to develop the credentials and experience necessary to advance in your chosen career path.


Regardless of how confident you are in your proficiency and talents as a language instructor, there is likely something you can improve. Learning never ceases, particularly for educators. While you cannot (and should not) work on everything at once, choose something you believe you can readily improve and begin there. 

Reach out to a colleague for assistance, search online for a new strategy you can implement with your students, or attend a professional development opportunity or conference to network with other language instructors and learn about the latest trends in foreign language instruction.

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How do you teach skills?

Teaching expertise The term “teaching skills” refers to the abilities that allow a teacher to (A) improve pupil learning, achievement, and the ability to apply knowledge; (B) effectively convey and explain academic subject matter; and (C) effectively teach higher-order analytical, evaluative, problem-solving, and communication skills.

How do you motivate students?

Give verbal accolades for successful accomplishments or progress. Provide individual attention to students. Provide valuable, informative feedback when it is immediately applicable. Provide encouraging feedback (praise) immediately after task completion.

What are a teacher’s core values?

The essence of education consists of four fundamental values: respect, honesty, fairness, and responsibility & liberty. Whether it be the teacher-student relationship, pluralism, or a teacher’s relationship to their work, all teaching is predicated on ethics. Dignity is regard for humanity.

What is a teacher’s role?

Teachers plan lessons and instruct students in their subject area. Evaluate the abilities, strengths, and weaknesses of the students. Adapt lessons to class size adjustments. Students’ assignments and assessments are graded.